Shoreline dating of the former Quillagua-Llamara Lake, N-Chile – Implications of global teleconnections to the hydrology of the Atacama Desert

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Title:Main Title: Shoreline dating of the former Quillagua-Llamara Lake, N-Chile – Implications of global teleconnections to the hydrology of the Atacama Desert
Description:Abstract: Cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating of ancient lake-level shoreline terraces of the Quillagua-Llamara Lake in the central Atacama Desert (N-Chile) provides new insights in the paleohydrology of the driest desert on earth. The lake developed from a paleo-exohereic drainage system in the Central Depression, before it opened towards the Pacific and an endohereic drainage system became established due to incision by the Rio Loa. The duration of the lake stages was long enough to cut erosive shoreline terraces into exposed islands. These shoreline features are preserved due to 250 m uplift of islands (Cerro Soledad, Cerro Mogote). Exposure dating of the shorelines reveals the existence of pluvial lake stages in the Atacama Desert during parts of the Late Pliocene and several Pleistocene interglacials (MIS 7, 9, 11, possibly 31, 87-93). These interglacials at least partly coincide with episodes of strong sea-ice retreat or even collapse of theWest Antarctic Ice Sheet. This correlation is traced back to dramatic changes in the oceanographic and atmospheric circulation system in the Equatorial-SE Pacific with implications for global climate. A strong reduction in West Antarctic sea ice, followed by a weakening of the Peru-Chile Current and reduced supply of cold water, may have enabled expansion of the Pacific Warm Pool and thus increased seasurface temperatures along the west coast of South America. These long-lasting, El Niño-like conditions may have in turn decreased the temperature inversion and enabled moisture transport towards the western Andean flanks. Our findings are compatible with evidence from the ANDRILL 1B record from the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and warm-water faunal assemblages on marine shoreline terraces from northern Chile. Furthermore, the exposure ages of the pluvial lake stages narrow the maximum incision age the of Rio Loa canyon and break through the Coastal Cordillera, and imply rock uplift rates of isolated islands in the Central Depression in the Quaternary that are significantly higher than previously suggested.
Responsible Party
Creators:Benedikt Ritter (Author), Tibor Dunai (Author), Finlay Stuart (Author), Volker Wennrich (Author), Martin Melles (Author)
Publisher:EGU General Assembly 2016
Publication Year:2019
CRC1211 Topic:Climate
Related Subprojects:A2, D1
Subjects:Keywords: Cosmogenic Nuclides, Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology
File Details
Data Type:Text - Event Paper
File Size:36 KB
Date:Available: 01.04.2016
Mime Type:application/pdf
Download Permission:Free
General Access and Use Conditions:According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement.
Access Limitations:According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement.
Specific Information - Publication
Publication Status:Accepted
Review Status:Not peer reviewed
Publication Type:Event Paper
Number of Pages:1 (1 - 1)
Event:EGU General Assembly 2016
Event Type:Other
Event Location:Vienna
Event Duration:17th of April, 2016 - 22nd of April, 2016
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Benedikt Ritter
Metadata Created:26.06.2019
Metadata Last Updated:26.06.2019
Funding Phase:1
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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