Temperature profiles March 2018 - March 219 from remote sensing at Iquique

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Title:Main Title: Temperature profiles March 2018 - March 219 from remote sensing at Iquique
Description:Abstract: Temperature profiles at Iquique airport from March 2018 to March 2019 measured with Microwave radiometer Hatpro-FOGHAT. Profiles cover heights from 0-10km with resolution from 50m(surface) to 500m(10km) and are provided every 15min. Profiles are retrieved from 'boundary layer scans' consisting of measurements at ten elevations between 90° and 4.2°. Even time indices are from scans at an azimuth of 70° towards land, odd indices are from an azimuth of 250° towards the ocean with both scans having the same time stamp. 'Land scans' (even indices) are biased as the four lowest elevations touched the cliff and should not be used.
Identifier:10.5880/CRC1211DB.46 (DOI)
Citation Advice:Temperature profiles at Iquique airport from remote sensing.
Responsible Party
Creators:Jan Schween (Author), Ulrich Löhnert (Principal Investigator), Sarah Westbrook (Processor)
Publisher:CRC1211 Database (CRC1211DB)
Publication Year:2022
CRC1211 Topic:Climate
Related Subproject:A1
Subjects:Keywords: Meteorology, Remote Sensing
Geogr. Information Topic:Climatology/Meteorology/Atmosphere
File Details
Data Type:Dataset - Dataset
File Size:9.9 MB
Date:Created: 22.09.2019 (processing)
Mime Type:application/zip
Data Format:NetCDF (classic)
Status:In Process
Download Permission:Only Project Members
General Access and Use Conditions:According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement.
Access Limitations:According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement.
Licence:[CRC1211DB] Data policy agreement
Specific Information - Data
Temporal Extent:24.03.2018, 00:20:45 - 06.03.2019, 13:00:00
Lineage:Temperature profiles from Microwave brightness temperatures in 14 Channels at 60GHz and 22GHz measured in a boundary layer scan at 70deg azimuth and 19 elevation angles from 4.5deg to 90deg. to 4.5deg at 250deg azimuth. Even time inidices denote profiles from landward part of the scan at 70deg azimuth, uneven from the ocean ward part of the scan at 250deg azimuth. Be aware that land ward part of the scans is biased. Retrieval was trained with 20 years of radiosonde data from Antofagasta.
Subtype:Natural Science Data
Instrument:Microwave radiometer [FOHAT-HATPRO]
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Jan Schween
Metadata Created:07.02.2022
Metadata Last Updated:09.02.2022
Funding Phase:2
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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Page Visits:208
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