First description of an euryoecious acanthoecid choanoflagellate species, Enibas tolerabilis gen. et sp. nov. from a salar in the Chilean Andes based on morphological and transcriptomic data

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Title:Main Title: First description of an euryoecious acanthoecid choanoflagellate species, Enibas tolerabilis gen. et sp. nov. from a salar in the Chilean Andes based on morphological and transcriptomic data
Description:Abstract: In general, acanthoecid choanoflagellates have been described to occur exclusively in brackish water to marine habitats. Only recently, two studies have proven their existence in inland waters. One of them has shown, that an acanthoecid species from a small lake (near Apia on the island of Upolu, Samoa) is strictly freshwater adapted, not able to tolerate even brackish water. In this study, we present the first euryoecious acanthoecid species, able to live and reproduce in freshwater as well as under hypersaline conditions. The new species, Enibas tolerabilis gen. et sp. nov. was isolated in 2017 from the Salar de Ascotán in the Altiplano at 3750 m a. s. l., Northern Chile. The salinity at the time of sampling was 6 PSU. A series of autecological experiments have revealed a salinity tolerance from freshwater up to 70 PSU. In our phylogenetic analysis, E. tolerabilis gen. et sp. nov. clustered within the family of Acanthoecidae, forming a well-supported sister clade together with two other, environmental choanoflagellate sequences. We erected a new genus, Enibas gen. nov. and described the morphology, molecular biology and autecology for E. tolerabilis gen. et sp. nov. which has a stephanoecid-like lorica morphology. We emphasize that the definition of the genus Stephanoeca, being polyphyletic, is in urgent need of revision as we showed that this morphology is present in both acanthoecid families.
Identifier:10.1016/j.ejop.2018.11.004 (DOI)
Responsible Party
Creators:Sabine Schiwitza (Author), Frank Nitsche (Author), Hartmut Arndt (Author)
Publication Year:2019
CRC1211 Topic:Biology
Related Subproject:B3
Subject:Keyword: Biodiversity
Geogr. Information Topic:Inland Waters
File Details
Data Type:Text - Article
File Size:1.2 MB
Date:Available: 30.11.2018
Mime Type:application/pdf
Data Format:PDF
Download Permission:Only Project Members
General Access and Use Conditions:According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement.
Access Limitations:According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement.
Specific Information - Publication
Publication Status:Published
Review Status:Not peer reviewed
Publication Type:Article
Article Type:Journal
Source:European Journal of Protistology
Number of Pages:8 (106 - 113)
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Frank Nitsche
Metadata Created:12.06.2019
Metadata Last Updated:12.06.2019
Funding Phase:1
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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