Investigations of protists in aeroplankton in the Atacama Desert
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Title: | Main Title: Investigations of protists in aeroplankton in the Atacama Desert |
Description: | Abstract: The main focus of this study is the investigation of aeroplankton, based on heterotrophic protists, from the air, fog and samples of various animals from the Atacama region (Chile). Information should be collected on their distribution and the accompanying information on a possible separate evolution. There is still little known about the distribution and extent of proliferation of protists. In general, a possible world-wide distribution could be assumed. To investigate this question an extreme habitat was used, the Atacama Desert in Chile. The samples used for this study, were collected from sites in northern Chile trough an air sampler, one feather and different collection points for fog during the expedition in March 2018. To phylogenetically examine the small subunit DNA (SSU rDNA) and parts of the V9 region, ITS and large subunit DNA (LSU rDNA) were sequenced and subsequently phylogenetic trees were created. Four amoebas, four flagellates and two ciliates were isolated. Analysis of the molecular data revealed that one of the isolated flagellate strains also occurs in Germany. This indicates that the distribution of protists from special habitats to other parts of the world would be possible. However the other strains could possibly represent new species which have not been described yet. Quantitative analyses have shown that viable protists are very rare in the air of the Atacama Desert. Parts of the study describe possible endemic, as well as globally distributed species. Due to the uniqueness of the Atacama Desert as habitat, local investigations would help to advance the understanding of a possible distribution or endemicity |
Responsible Party
Creator: | Hartmut Arndt (Owner) |
Publisher: | CRC1211 Database (CRC1211DB) |
Publication Year: | 2019 |
CRC1211 Topic: | Biology |
Related Subproject: | B3 |
Subject: | Keyword: Biodiversity |
File Details
Filename: | AeroplanktonAtacamaDesert.rar |
Data Type: | Collection - Collection |
File Size: | 9.4 MB |
Date: | Valid: 21.08.2018 |
Mime Type: | application/x-rar-compressed |
Data Format: | ZIP |
Language: | English |
Status: | Raw Data |
Download Permission: | Only Own Subproject |
General Access and Use Conditions: | According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement. |
Access Limitations: | According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement. |
Licence: | None |
Specific Information - Data
Temporal Extent: | 07.03.2018, 16:49:00 - 24.03.2018, 16:50:00 |
Subtype: | Natural Science Data |
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator: | Frank Nitsche |
Metadata Created: | 17.06.2019 |
Metadata Last Updated: | 17.06.2019 |
Subproject: | B3 |
Funding Phase: | 1 |
Metadata Language: | English |
Metadata Version: | V50 |
Metadata Export
Metadata Schema: |
Dataset Statistics
Page Visits: | 335 |
Metadata Downloads: | 0 |
Dataset Downloads: | 0 |
Dataset Activity

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Adequate reference when this dataset will be discussed or used in any publication or presentation is mandatory. In this case please contact the dataset creator.